Sharpness in photography
Is the importance of sharpness in photography overrated? To be able to give a meaningful answer we have to bear in mind that referring to photography as a univocal concept does not help. Photography as a core concept contains many ramifications that sometimes have little to do with each other.
However, it seems generally assumed that a "good" photograph must have a number of qualities to be recognized as such. Among these qualities is sharpness. Entire books, articles in specialized magazines or training courses are created around the idea of achieving sharp photographs. Not to mention the constant advertising by camera and lens manufacturers and the corresponding "reviewers" and professional evaluators of photographic equipment.
I understand that sharpness is not only important, but fundamental in specialties such as medical photography or commercial photography, but for me it is totally irrelevant when photography becomes a means to express a personal vision of the world.
A paradigmatic example would be Croatian photographer Olga Karlovac. It is within the realm of possibility that Olga has never taken a sharp photo in her entire career. However, is that fact of any interest in judging her work? The answer is a resounding no.
As in life itself also in photography as a means of personal expression we often have to learn to unlearn what we have learned. Keep this in mind the next time someone tells you that yes, the photo is fine "but a little blurry".